Steven once said something about learning new things everyday. I agree - life is so full of surprises, some good ones and some rather unpleasant ones..
I may not have been part of Eaglepoint for very long, but I can bear true witness and testify to those who came after me that it does not take very long for one to see how spirit-filled this house and the people in it are.
What do I mean by that statement?
They're really far too many examples to provide, some of which I can hardly remember in detail now, but for one, the heart of servanthood is so present from the very young stages of a baby Christian to the admirable position of Senior Pastor!
Sunday afternoon was a "wow" moment for me. Garrett, Chrystin and I went to Penang Asam House (newly renovated now and very nice, but the new renovation isn't quite what amazed me) for lunch. Because there was no space in the other table with the rest of our friends, we sat at one table near the kitchen, made our orders, and waited lah.
Garrett and Chrystin's food came first, served by one of the staff. As their food was placed down before them, I was thinking who would be serving me my food. So I went into observation mode and I noticed how busy the place was, with customers filling every table and even more lining up way past the counter (for a while, in fact, the line was never shorter than the counter). Then I took note of the few employees (at least at the time) there, the same faces walking in and out of the kitchen, serving customers, making the drinks, taking orders, cleaning tables..
And so I saw my Senior Pastor walking out of the kitchen multiple times to serve people their food, on the side of taking their orders and serving them drinks at the counter. And, to say honestly, I suddenly had this thought that I didn't want him to serve me my food (don't get me wrong, I will explain why in a moment) But wouldn't you know it... only minutes later, he stepped out with two plates in his hand and immediately I knew one of them was mine >_< ... It's not that it was wrong, but I felt rather odd having my Senior Pastor serving me - literally.. not just a simple chore or assistance or a favour. I don't know what anyone else would think, but I felt at that moment that I didn't want him to serve me, I wanted to serve him!
Now THIS is a classic and very clear example of a servant leader! That's right, sorry to disappoint some of you but being a leader is not just sitting back like a tau keh and giving orders =D Pastor Tim's always coming up to people saying things like, "You are the best" or "I'm inspired by the way you guys serve"... Someone should go to him and tell him that! What's more inspiring than someone of a "leader" position lowering himself to the "waiter" position?
Which reminds me.. this was the only time I felt like wanting to work in an eating place.. =)
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