- This "police ministry" is the starting of a tiny little mission I have where I want to let police officers know that they're appreciated. It may sound somewhat strange, but it's a desire that I now believe God put in my heart to bless law enforcement.
- Here in Los Angeles, I met a fantastic person whom I respect and appreciate. He, too, is in a police ministry and has enabled me to take my ministry a step further (so now we are standing together in it) by giving me books to give to officers together with my thank you notes.
Enough history. This is what's gotten me excited today:
- I was on my way back home when I reached a red light at an intersection. The car on my left was, you guessed it, a police car. I grabbed one of the books I had been given, opened my window and held the book outside the window (which I now realise might have been a dumb idea, but I needed to be quick because of the traffic light). I made a nice loud greeting and asked if I could give them the book; explained to them that my motives were just to appreciate their services and that they'd find a note of appreciation inside. BOTH officers took one.
God is good, though very, very random. I've been asking for opportunities despite knowing it was hard for Him to give me any because I stay at home most of the day (yes, my fault). But He gave me that chance tonight and I'm glad I took it!
I must admit, I am ecstatic. Though I can't be sure if either my words, actions or the book I handed to the officers blessed them tonight, that sure was my intention. They will be in my prayers tonight, for sure.
hi, good site very much appreciatted
What do you do as part of your ministry?
In short, encourage them when I meet them on the street, and pray for them.
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