Monday, February 28, 2011

Police v2

Has it truly been one and a half years since I've written in a blog? It's quite astounding that writing blogs has not even been remotely part of my life for such a long time. I've been receiving spam on my posts and ignoring them all, until I received a comment on my most recent post that didn't have a link on it and stated that the person appreciated my blog.

Thank you, whoever you are. Thank you because it's reminded me of the power of a good encouragement, even if it's just 6 words long.

It's interesting that my last post talked about my police ministry. I'm glad I wrote that post down a year and a half ago - it marked the start of my ministry, so now I can remember when it all began :) I haven't done anything huge or radical since, but I've been steadily moving. LAPD, LASD, CHP - I'm still at large and still pumped with the passion Jesus has given me. And as long as He wills me to, I will pray for you and encourage you.

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