Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Lord is my God

I realize that previously I wrote about Romans and I’ve suddenly switched to Jeremiah. It may seem odd but God has been revealing much through Jeremiah and I’d like to use it to bless others. This post is a follow up of Jeremiah 29 I wrote about yesterday.

Recently during a service, while we were talking about good times, bad times; peace and hardship; joy and sorrow, we were encouraged to always reflect everything back to God. Everyone runs the risk of walking away from God; no one is invulnerable to losing the faith somewhere along the path of life. It’s hard truth but it’s truth all the same. But that is why we need to always remember who we are and who the Lord is in our lives. What the Lord revealed to me that night was simple but impactful:

The Lord is my God.

In Jeremiah 30 v10-11, God says:

I will surely save you out of a distant place,
your descendants from the land of their exile.
Jacob will again have peace and security,
and no one will make him afraid. I am with you and will save you.

And in v22,

So you will be my people,
and I will be your God.

When I read this, I remembered what God had reminded me, that He is my God. And through anything, He remains faithful and His love is ever-lasting.

Don’t keep in question why hardships still happen to us though God promises peace and security in v10. Further down v11, He also mentions discipline for us.

Hebrews 12 speaks of how hardship is like discipline and discipline isn’t pleasant but it trains us toward peace and righteousness!

When we endure hardship, I am confident that God does not allow us to endure more than we can bear, so that we may persevere and become even closer to Him. Ultimately, whether through promises or peace or easy or hard times, the Lord is still our God.

If we’re walking a straight and smooth path, the Lord is the One who kicks aside stones that may stumble us. If we’ve fallen into a deep pit, the Lord is the One with strong enough arms to lift us out.


CARISSA said...

Amen! Good one Merr! I was here!:)) misses u tons!

Marilyn said...

Darling Carissa. It is good to hear from you :) Thanks for stopping by