Thursday, September 6, 2007

Celebrity Craze

Mel Gibson came to LUCT today for some launching. Sounds exciting but I wasn't very ecstatic about it. He may be a celebrity, but he's still another person like everyone else I meet everyday. Some people joked that I should go meet him and hand him the Sold Out CD and we laughed about it, but I spent the night pondering over that very thought.

See, this is where my perspective comes from: One of my dreams/goals in life is not to meet a celebrity or to hug one or to get his/her autograph or to have pictures taken with the person. Those are great and all, but how much will it impact my life and other people's lives? I could make others excited, but I could also make them jealous. I could be happy for the moment but it will become just another memory in the back of my mind.

What one of my dreams/goals is... is to impact the industry that I am heading into - entertainment! So while I laughed at my friends' joke, my mind began searching far and wild dreams! I began to ask myself questions like: What if I do give Gibson the Sold Out CD? is it possible that through the songs, he might draw closer to God? Is it possible a seed will be sown? Is it possible something will change? If Mel Gibson changes for the good of God's kingdom, wouldn't he be a great influence because of his fame and status? What if this is actually a chance for me to take to start sowing seeds in the entertainment industry?

Sounds impossible? Well, my God is of the impossible. And because I know all things are possible with God, I never stopped pondering.

Eventually I made a deal with God. I told God that if He made our paths cross, I will bless Gibson with the CD. If not, then there really wasn't much I could do. I saw Gibson, but I never had the chance to go close to him. Actually I think I missed a chance by going out to lunch. I felt I should have stayed back and approached Gibson in Wings Coffee.

I can't be sure whether I missed out a great opportunity God sent to me or not. If I had confirmation that I had, I wouldn't be able to express how sorry I am. But all the same, missed opportunity or not, I believe God will continue opening doors for me along my journey. And next time, I need to be sure or those opened doors =)

I was talking to my classmate who got to see Gibson along with crowds of other students and from our conversation, I could sum up a few points that I feel are important. It's difficult to piece all my thoughts together from this afternoon, so I may not make perfect sense.

Mel Gibson came to Malaysia unnoticed and I think he wanted it to remain that way. If he desired paparazzi, cameras and screaming fans, he would have openly announced his very presence in Malaysia. So when he entered LUCT and staff and fans with cameras began pouring out of the college, I think he became rather annoyed.

I don't mean to speak as if I know him well. There is evidence to show he preferred a quieter welcome:

1. He hid his face from cameras
2. He verbally mentioned that he did not expect a crowd to greet him

And it's interesting how he gets all the attention but his director friend who walked with him today still remains unknown (by most at least)! It isn't because he's directed movies that people "love" him, it's because he's acted. Which brings me to conclude, it's not the person they love, it's just the status.

Key word: celebrity.

A lot of times when people meet a celebrity, they want to receive something - fame, jealous stares, a hug, an autograph, a smile, a wave.. or perhaps steal their clothes, possessions and even hair. Each to his own motive. But not for myself - I wanted to meet Gibson to give him something that might have that slimmest chance to make a difference in his life and the entertainment world.

Perhaps you think I'm crazy, disillusioned, weird... but that's really how I think, no fooling. And I don't care what you think. If this is the dream God has for me, then He is with me, and no one can be against me =)


Evelyn said...

good thoughts there, im proud of you *hugs* =D
dont worry mer, just dont blame yourself too much until you keep guilty and guilty then you didnt notice the next step you have to take

"God open the door that no one can't shut, and God shut the door that no one can open "

Anonymous said...

Brilliant,we have something in common.