Thursday, February 8, 2007

Memories in a lightbox

As changeable as the weather they say? The weather doesn't really change that quickly. A more appropriate saying would be, "as changeable as how many times one would need to change outfits in Malaysia's weather just to keep comfortable".. (with the exception of Kuching *glowing smile*)

But indeed, as changeable as the weather. I have concluded that the culprit is tiredness. It has always been, it might always be.

But it's okay because even in this state of idleness (which I pray will pass over before the night ends), I remind myself that there are many tasks for me to do, many fruits for me to harvest, and that the year will be a good one when God's will is done.

I do not look forward to next week. Two people I know will be leaving simultaneously, and I do know for a fact that I will not be seeing them anymore for a long time. One longer than the other, and that makes it worse to think about. I never look forward to goodbyes.

But hey.. I get to keep the lightbox.. I shall treasure it =)


oink said...

painful to see ppl go eh? overseas?

Grey Room said...

hahaha....yeap lightbox it is

Merr-peng said...

yes overseas.. they will be on one end of the globe and I shall be on the other end soon. Earth isn't small enough =)